En uppriktig och poetisk dokumentär om unga kvinnors sexualitet.
WIFT arrangerar mingel från kl 17:00.
The Venus Triangle - a daring conversation about sex, desire and making of a film!
In this session director, Mette Carla Albrechtsen and 3 participants from, "VENUS - Let's talk about Sex", share, in a conversation, their challenges and discoveries, while making this film - which follows young women's stories about coming into their own sexuality. We will also discuss the actual process, experiences, and knowledge gained underway. There will also be opportunity for the audience to ask questions. Moderated by Klara Grunning, The Swedish Film Institute.
Mer än 100 unga kvinnor dyker upp när filmens två regissörer söker medverkande till en "erotisk film på kvinnors villkor." Under castingen berättar kvinnorna rakt in i kameran om sina sexuella erfarenheter och fantasier. Allteftersom tiden går och berättelserna blir fler börjar de båda regissörerna inse att de redan är i full gång med inspelningen av sin film. En ärlig, uppriktig och sårbar berättelse om kvinnors relation till sex, lust, olust, fantasier, känslor, upptäckter och alla de saker som vi aldrig talar om.
Two female directors in their thirties, start an investigation based on their own sexual frustrations to understand desire from a female point of view. As an excuse to get more answers, they decide to make a film based on real women's erotic memories and reflections. They send out a casting call and over 100 ordinary Copenhagen women reply. As the shootings progress it dawns on the Filmmakers that what was just meant to be a casting, instead becomes an overwhelming shared experience of intimacy. The casting couch is turned into an exploration space for the young women to share their true desires, fantasies and reflections on their experiences with sex, shame, lust and pleasure. As shooting progressed, the filmmakers realized that these intimate casting sessions should in fact be the final film. The documentary gives a rare look into the secret language of young female sexuality.
kl 18:00
Regissör: Lea Glob & Mette Carla Albrechtsen
Land: Danmark
År: 2016
Längd: 80 minuter
Språk: Danska
Textning: Engelska
Genre: Dokumentär
Åldersgräns: Från 15 år
IMDb: Se filmen på IMDB
Biljettpris: 100 kr (inga rabatter)
Arrangör: Folkets Bio Malmö, ABF Malmö (fler tillkommer).