Södra Sveriges största arthousebiograf!

Seven Years of Sex – Behind the Scenes

The exhibition Seven Years of Sex – Behind the Scenes by FlickerFuckers is part of Erotikafton Festival 2022. FlickerFuckers is a duo from south of Sweden working with erotic art in videos, live visuals, photos and performance.

"A few selected films are shown at film festivals, but our primary focus is to make enveloping installation-works/rooms where video, lighting, sound, acoustics and scenography harmonize for the visitor's emotional experience of being in or part of the concept. An overall thematic approach is to find erotic charge in aesthetics, situations, materials and encounters that do not have obvious sexual content. We want to experiment with the unexpected and find that which is challenging to eye and mind. We share equally in all production tasks and responsibilities, but divide specific tasks according to opportunity and ability." – FlickerFuckers

FlickerFuckers' website>>Instagram>>

About Erotikafton
Erotikafton is an annual art festival by Fennek Film, dedicated to erotic art in all its shapes and forms, that has been held in Malmö, Sweden since 2015. "With Erotikafton, we want to broaden the idea about and the view of what erotica is and can be – seductive, lustful, fun, sickening, provocative, political, corporeal, intellectual, mind-broadening. Erotikafton is a celebration and a tribute where we embrace erotica, the body and sexuality."

Erotikafton's website>>, Instagram: Erotikafton>> & Fennek Film>>

Utställningsperiod: 28 maj – 4 juni 2022

Fri entré!
Biograf Panora Friisgatan 19 D, Malmö

Öppettider: Det är öppet till utställningen när biljettkassan är öppen, dvs från 30 min innan dagens första film startar fram till sista filmen startar.

Arrangörer: Fennek Film, Galleri Fish Tank, Folkets Bio Malmö med stöd av Malmö stad och ABF Malmö.

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