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A Better Life + regissörssamtal
Datum: Tis 3 nov, 2015

Visning av dokumentären "A Better Life: An Exploration of Joy & Meaning in a World Without God".

Regissören Chris Johnson är på plats och samtalar med publiken efter filmen. 

Okej, det finns ingen gud. Så vad gör vi? Om detta är det enda liv vi har, hur ska vi leva, hur behandlar vi varandra, hur förhåller vi oss till döden?

I denna fascinerande dokumentär får vi höra några av världens främsta tänkare om hur de lämnat religionen och funnit ett liv fyllt med omtanke, hoppfullhet och förundran inför världen.

Who's in the film?
The film version of A Better Life features a selection of those from the book — atheists from around the world from many different backgrounds and professions. They include best-selling authors, award winning artists and scientists, and many well-known public personalities and figures including:
A.C. Grayling, Philosopher, author and Master of the New College of the Humanities.
Adam Pascal, Musician/Actor, created the role of "Roger" in the musical RENT.
AJ Johnson, Vice president and co-founder, Be Secular.
Alex Honnold, Rock climber, featured on 60 Minutes & the cover of National Geographic Magazine.
Andrew Copson, Chief Executive, British Humanist Association.
Cara Santa Maria, Co-host and Producer, TakePart Live on Pivot TV.
Dan Barker, Co-president, Freedom From Religion Foundation.
Daniel Dennett, Philosopher, author, and cognitive scientist, Tufts University.
Donald C. Johanson, Paleoanthropologist, Arizona State University. Discovered the fossil of the hominid australopithecine known as "Lucy."
Helena Guzik, Online Publications Assistant, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Julia Sweeney, Actress, comedian & author.
Matt Dillahunty, Speaker/co-cost; The Atheist Experience.
Nahla Mahmoud, Environmentalist/Human Rights Activist.
Patricia S. Churchland, Neurophilosopher, University of California San Diego.
Robert Llewellyn, Writer, TV presenter, speaker, actor (Red Dwarf), electric vehicle evangelist.
Sean Carroll, Theoretical Physicist, California Institute of Technology.
Tracie Harris, Speaker/co-cost; The Atheist Experience.

Datum: Tis 3 nov, 2015

kl 18:00

Regissör: Chris Johnson
Land: USA
År: 2015
Längd: 92 minuter
Språk: Engelska
Genre: Dokumentär
Åldersgräns: Från 15 år 
IMDb: Se filmen på IMDB

Biljettpris: 40 kr
Biljetter köps på plats innan visningen. Ingen förbokning.

Arrangör: Humanisterna, Folkets Bio Malmö

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