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When we are together we can be everywhere
Datum: Lör 13 apr, 2019

Tillsammans med gästcurator Alex Coxxx (BDSM-klubbsarrangör, Club Shameless och grundare av Pervert Society) presenterar vi Marit Östbergs porrdokumentär från 2015!

Liz walks between different rooms of the city. A bar, a toilet, a wasteland, a garden, a trailer. The cruising body can't, unlike the flaneur, be alone. She won't leave the world outside of her. Several eyes follow her: the women holding the cameras, the director. The director is sending her a love letter. The director needs her cruising body. They are a part of eachothers fantasies and share a dream about a city's possibility of providing safe sexy spaces. They travel together to look for the rooms in between, to find rooms of their desires.

When we are together we can be everywhere is a feature porn documentary premiered in October 2015. The project was born through a cooperation with starring Liz Rosenfeld to explore porn through a contract of nearness and liaison.

Datum: Lör 13 apr, 2019

Kl: 22:00
Biljettpris: 80 kr

Marit Östberg
Land: USA
Längd: 69 minuter
Språk: Engelska
Genre: Dokumentär, porr

Medverkande: Liz Rosenfeld, Imogen Heath, Paulita Pappel, Mad Kate, Sadie Lune, KAy Garnellen, GG etc

Arrangör: Malmö Queer Film festival/Folkets Bio Malmö i samarbete med ABF Malmö, FilmCentrum Syd

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